Day 6 was my first day in school. I didn't know if I was due to have lessons in the morning or the afternoon so I had to head in by 9am. This time around however, unlike when I first took the train to school, everything ran on time and from leaving my room to stepping in to school it took no more than 45 minutes. Maybe if I walked a bit quicker or I made some faster connections I could make it in 40. 45 is fine though, gives me a few minutes to pick up lunch or grab a drink or something. Or maybe even visit the 100yen shop that is right under the school.
So it turns out that I was in the afternoon class, but the teacher had told us on the Friday that it was mostly likely that we would be. I came prepared with my blue ground sheet, a Peter Tremayne book and some sun tan lotion with the intention of chilling in Yoyogi park until class started. As it turns out I ran in to Daniel, Niclas and we picked up a stray called Nino. Nino as it turns out has the exact same birthday as me. Same day, same year! What are the chances huh? Once I met us with them my plan kinda got scrapped and we ended up going for a walk through Harajuku and Omotosando. Daniel had mentioned souviners previously and I had previously recommended the Oriental Bazaar so, as we were there, we went in. It was fun. Myself and Nino managed to resist buying all the pretty things but the others gave in, especially Chibiusa no Polando (lol). After that it was back to Shin-Okobu for lessons but not before stopping by Hotto Motto for a fabo lunch. What's that phrase again? Om nom nom!

The lessons themselves were ok I guess. It was mostly things I already knew but it was good to go over. I suspect that things will get much harder much quicker but day one was always going to be easy. We learned how to say our names, where we were from, what our jobs were and that we were students. That was mostly it, oh and a few numbers. The final lesson of the day was a tour of the local area. I didn't hear much of it because I was at the back and the place is noisy. I did spot a pet shop which was super cute with little puppies and a big Dulux dog walking about. Kawaii!! They also sold monkeys but that was a little upsetting because they were in these little cages and I hate to see an animal suffer. I guess that is one of the reasons that I don't eat meat. People here say to me that I should eat it while I'm in Japan but I can't bring myself to do it. The thought disgusts me. Hurting animals is just a bad bad thing :(

Once school was out some of us picked up some beers and headed to a nearby park. The morning four were joined by Alvarado (srorry if I spelled it wrong), Ken, Park and...ah crap, I forgot his name...I'll update this bit tomorrow >.< It was beautiful in the park because we were sat under a Sakura tree and the petals were falling. I guess I really did get my Tony Tony Chopper pink snow moment afterall :) Oh and by the way, along with the beer and chu-hai I bought my first fancy flavour Kit Kat. Green Tea flavour. Delicious :) I'll pick up another some time to bring home for everyone to try.
After drinks the Koreans and Alvarado (sp?) went home and the rest of us went in search of Karaoke. Ken, as always, was hungry so they got sukiyaki. Lunch at Hotto Motto and the kitkat was enough for me, at least I thought it was until I found Melon Haagen Das. Om nom nom^^ And then the singing. It was so funny (and expensive) and a great way to end the day. We sang a lot of things. Dani California, Paper Planes, No Woman No Cry, Umbrella, Katy Perry, Mamma Mia, REM, The Doors, Frank Sinatra and the Sailor Moon Song (Moonlight Seranade?). Maybe there were others but I cant recall right now. Bohemian Rhapsody. Mustn't forget that one.
1 comment:
Ok, this is a blog's cross-over!! I'm write pretty much same things in my own blog! ahahah! Sorry for my bad english! See you tomorrow, my SailorTwin sister! Nino
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