No school as it is Saturday. I like school so this isn't a good thing. When I'm not at school I feel like, while I
am enjoying myself, I'm wasting time and I'm not accomplishing anything. In order to counter this I had the most productive day that I could.
The first thing I did was head out shopping. I bought some food items (curry paste, flour, eggs etc) and some useful stuff like a frying pan and a saucepan, some cleaning products, washing powder and what not. I had a good walk about which was nice as it was a very nice Saturday afternoon.
Once I got back I tidied my room a little, split the rubbish and took that out and bagged up my laundry which I shortly afterwards put on to wash. Whilst that w

as spinning around I set out to make Welsh Cakes....Japanese style. So I have no weighing scale and no rolling pin and no mixed spice either. I also wasn't sure if the ingredients I bought were what I actually needed but meh, I made them anyway. They turned out ok I think even if they were triangle shape. It was either triangle or bear shaped so I went with triangle. So laundry done, Welsh cakes made, rubbish out. Next on the list was jogging so for the first time in Japan I did exercise. Running in this heat is not good so I didn't do so well. I think next time I'll head out early in the morning or once the sun goes down. After the jog I made myself some curry and rice before noticing I was horribly late for my rendevous with my international friends in Ueno Kohen. So after running like a mad person to get the train, missing it by about 10 seconds and having to wait 10 minutes for the next one I finally arrived 20 minutes late (oops).
As it turns out I wasn't the only late one so all was forgiven. Once everyon

e had arrived we headed in to the park for more drunken fun. The sakura is all but gone now so it wasn't so much Hanami, more hanging out in the park with beer. There was so much beer and chu-hai and food. Sooo much food. Most of it was eaten and, as always with Welsh cakes, they disappeared fast. Even made with cinnamon instead of mixed spice they are delish! Oh I should have said, tonights guests were...Sailor Nino, Santa-san, Chibiusa-chan, Ken-kun, Rosanna-san, Katharina-san, John-san, Magnus-san, Jun-san, Cho-san, Alvaro-san, Alberto-san and Danny-san. And me, of course. As always it was a great night but the highlight being Danny-san thinking a "keep off the grass" sign was a toilet and falling in the bushes trying to get to it.
After the park, some people decided to go to Shibuya to party. I didn't have the money but we were dragged along anyway. I think I was too drunk to protest too much. When I found out however that entry to the club they were going to was 2000yen and I had 1400 in total plus I needed money to get home then my protests became much more strong. In the end, my quest for discovering Kitka

ts saved me and Sailor Nino, Santa-san and myself lost the rest of the group and so had no choice but to head home. By the time we got back it was well past midnight so I'm relieved in a way that we did lose them or I think we'd have been out all night. The last train to Warabi leaves Akabane station (that's half way between Warabi and Shibuya) at 00:53. I think we got to that part of the station around 00:10. Maybe we could have had one drink but no way I'm paying 2000yen (£15) for 1 drink and the chance to miss my train. By the way, if you miss the last train you either have to stay in a club, get a taxi or rent a hotel room. Or sleep in the street I guess. Trains start up again a little after 05:00.
So it was a good night and bad night and all Benjamin Linus' fault!

ps. 3 Kitkat discoveries today :)

1 comment:
It's Benjamin linus's fault!!!! I'm sure of this!!! The damned-ridiculous-crazy-insane-stalker-dwarf! Good night! Sailor-Nino
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