Thursday 28 May 2009

Day 57

It's now Tuesday and I need to update for 5 days to catch up. I was away for the weekend so this is why there have been no updates. Apologies for these next 5 entries being vague.

So Thursday was my last day of school. It was a nice easy day in class as we started a new chapter learning how to talk about things you want. あたらし ナイキのくつ が いちばんほしです。 Yes I do! Didn't do an awful lot in class though I did do a lot of dancing and playing and general messing around....and coughing and sniffing too. At the end of the class I had to stand up and give a little speech. I thought about doing a dance but decided to just recite Macbeth scene 1 act 1 instead, just to freak people out. And a bow at the end of course. I know Nino took pictures and I think some other people did too so I will track them down and post them on here and Facebook later.

After class most people disappeared (which kinda sucked as the others got leaving dinners) so it ended up just Katharina, Sophia, Rosanna, Ken and I. We went to a little place in Harajuku that Ken and I had been to before which sells Japanese food. Tofu and fish and slime and string and that sort of thing. All served with pickles and miso and soup and rice. It was pretty great stuff and I'm planning on one last visit there before I go home. I had some strange meal set which was nice. Ken and Katharina had the fish set, Sophia the fried fish set and Rosanna...well, she picked the best meal of all! Rather than going for a set meal like the rest of us she picked a smaller side dish. It was still pretty big and would have been enough to had it been edible but it was most definitely far from edible. She ordered tofu with okra, natto and an egg (which was mostly raw) so essentially she ordered a plate of slime. And not good tasting slime either. I felt pretty bad for her even if I did laugh. I tried the natto and the okra though it was not good at all :( In order to compensate for the vileness we all ordered dessert. Macha ice cream and cake. Lush!

Once we left the restaurant we went for a walk down Takeshita Street. It was chucking it down with rain but we all had umbrellas so it wasn't so bad. Laughed at the range of double pants that they do there and spotted some nice looking bags. Of course, when in Harajuku, you must do purikura so we dragged everyone in and took some cool pictures. Ken defiled one of them (lol) but it's still pretty cool and I chose that one to go on my mp3 player. Once we were done we all headed our separate ways. For me it was back to Warabi to get ready for my weekend away and to pray it stopped raining.

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