Tuesday 12 May 2009

Day 40

Slow day today. Not a lot to do other than go to school to study and come home to study. I got the train, it was delayed again. I arrived at school, decided I really don't like the text books they give us as they don't work the same way as my brain. Got a headache, took some pills. Tried to convince someone to go eat with me but they all wanted to go home to study for the test we have on Tuesday. Came home alone. Bought rice and frozen peas in the supermarket. Made curry. Ate Curry. Watched Desperate Housewives. Talked to Mr Davies on Skype. Studied a little. Got distracted by Facebook a little. Tried to study more. Watched Brothers and Sisters. Tried to sleep but only managed about an hour or so at a time. Bad nights sleep.

And that was it. Sorry it's dull but it was a dull day.

Big thanks to Jonna though for the free ticket to the Design Festa on Saturday^^ Looks fun :)

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