So anyway, today. I dragged myself out of bed rather late today as I slept so badly the night before. Somehow I found 5 minutes to blog about yesterday and list my favourite 5 Green Day songs on Facebook and before I knew it I had to leave for school. I'd done my homework the night before (unlike today) so I only had to get up and get ready so as it turns out I left the guesthouse early. Managed to pop in to Seiyu for a melon pan and some orange juice before getting the train and arriving at school 40 minutes early. Decided to pop in to the 100 yen shop for a couple of things as I had time and picked up a couple of cute notebooks ready for when we start learning kanji. Then up to school where I talked with Katharina, Ken and Nino. Well really, Nino and I pretended to be in Street Fighter and had play fights. Fortunately there's no pictures of that haha.
Then lessons began. The first one and a half were a total waste of time because we just did katakana instead. If I can find 2 hours to learn this crap on my own then everyone else should be able to do so as well so I was a bit miffed by this. It really felt like a waste of a day in school today. We had a big test too which was an epic fail for me. I can't concentrate at all with noise and the teacher and everyone in the class just talked the whole time. My brain got frazzled and I just couldn't think so epic fail. Blah, don't care anyway, it's not like I'm here for work or anything, it's just for fun. The only thing I found to be worthy of my time in school today was the continual childish play during breaks. I just ran around like a kid and it was fun. Chun Li for the win!! Haha! I need to get a copy of the video I filmed on Nino's camera. It was basically me running around sticking the camera in every one's face and then running off to the next one. Big lulz for knocking books all over the floor in the process.
After school most of us were hungry so we went on the hunt for food. Rosanna and Katharina are having money proble
So we go in, I order mushroom pasta and a refillable melon soda thing and the boys all order way too much food which they all ate. I don't know how they do it sometimes, especially Ken. Mine wasn't so good as it turns out but I think we're going back on Thursday for pizza which'll be better. Browsing the menu I discover that the house wine is 100yen a glass (75p). That's pretty bloody cheap...probably for a reason. So the Spaniards decide to order a carafe (or however you spell it) so we can try it. Turns out it really is 75p wine so the Spaniards teach me what the do with bad red wine in Spain...mix it with coke. Seriously. It's actually not that bad but as I'd drunk 3 or 4 glasses of the melon stuff I couldn't finish it. On the way out I notice the black pepper and Parmesan cheese that my dinner really needed but the waiter decided not to bring to us. So Alberto stole the cheese. Well he claims that he didn't steal it as I put it in his bag and he knew nothing about it....Dani is getting the blame though. It was his idea^^
And that was Day 41!
And I have 3 minutes to spare yeah!
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