Saturday 16 May 2009

Day 44

Time for another late blog entry. Keeping up with this thing is just too hard :( But I shall perservere and I will not miss a day! No way hose!

Seeeeeewwwww, Friday. I go to school, as always, and am greeted by a kanji related test which was great as I hadn't looked at them since the day before. Maybe I cheated a little but only for the stuff I couldn't remember ^_~ We then did some more "ga" stuff and learned a few new words. Nothing particularly useful, mostly just doing exercises from the book. Which reminds me, I have homework for Monday...crap! Friday was also the last day for Alvaro in school. He's going back to Spain in a week. The teacher gave him his certificate at the end and he gave a little speech. Oh and there was an American dude in class today. Don't know if he's staying long term. We'll see if he's there on Monday.

After class the girls were meant to be going to a host club. Katharina decided she wasn't going to come and the Koreans kept telling us how expensive it would be so we ended up going to that cheap food place in Shinjuku again. It's ok for everyone else there but there's only 1 thing on the menu that I can eat so it's not so good for me. When they eat there twice a week it gets boring eating the same bowl of cold noodles. I think there were like 13 of us altogether. Most people had food, Jonna, Rosanna and I didn't really bother. Got some pictures taken with ooki kami boys which I'll need Nino to send to me sometime.

The next stop was a bar. Ken was only staying a little while so we decided to get a drink before we went to our host place. Ended up in a rock bar which was pretty cool. I say rock but I mean classic oldies rock. The drinks were a little pricy maybe but it's Tokyo so it's always expensive here. The cool part was we could request the music so we had a little Guns N Roses, ACDC, Led Zeppelin and a bit of James Brown :) Good place^^

When we left there we had a little trouble deciding where to go. Ken went to meet his girlfriend. Katharina was trying to go to Roppongi. Jonna couldn't decided. Rosanna wanted a host bar. The others wanted to go home. In the end, after talking to a guy who'd been living in LA, we ended up all going to seperate places and I remained with Jonna and Rosanna. The LA guy, who's name I've forgotten, told us he knew a ladies only place we could go. 1000 yen all you can drink for 2 hours. Sounds good...let's go!

A guy shows us the way there. We walk in and are greeted by the cheers of host boys! WHAT! I didn't know we were coming here. Jonna said it was a bar!! So we're in now anyway so we're staying. It was actually only 1000yen for 2 hours which is a pretty good deal. We got to speak some Japanese to these guys. I think Jonna and I spent most of the time laughing. Ooki kami!! Doshite?!?! lulz

Here's where it get's troublesome. Rosanna and I were drinking Shochu (which I guess is a bit like vodka) with a mixer. Jonna, unbeknown to me, was drinking it straight. After about an hour in there talking to about 9 or 10 of these guys we realise what she's drinking and maybe she's had a bit too much. So in our attempts to get her up and out the door she hits a glass of shochu all over one of the guys (more lulz if you ask me). That was the least of the problems. We then had to get her home. We were never going to get the train but we always knew we could stay at her place....wherever that was. Trying to get information out of her led us all over the place. And she destroyed a fence too...oops. Eventually, a guy who said he was a teacher helped us out. He spotted Jonna sprawled across the floor while we were trying to get hold of Jonna's room mate. So he took us to the taxi place and explained to the driver where we wanted to go. Crazy, man! It was crazy!

Climb a mountain...check!
Host bar....check!

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