Saturday, 13 June 2009

Day 72

Didn't do a lot this day. Was meant to go shopping or something but I was tired so I didn't bother. Stayed in and watched So You Think You Can Dance because I'm lame and wrote down lyrics to songs as we planned to go to karaoke later.

So in the usual style, things didn't go quite to plan.

Met everyone at school at 17:00. Made the mistake of telling Emil (from Warabi house) 18:00. Oops! So we had to wait for an hour but people needed the internet and the bank etc so it wasn't that long a wait. Eventually he arrived and Che took us to this Korean place which he said did Korean pizza. They didn't do Korean pizza :( We just told him to order for everyone and we all enjoyed a tasty and rather large meal.

After eating we headed to Shinjuku for karaoke. Some people came with us knowing they had no money (which was a bit annoying) so we couldn't spend the time in the karaoke that we needed. They would only agree to go in for 30 minutes and when there's 8 of you, this isn't anywhere near long enough. Tried to make the best of it but some people were just acting like idiots and it really started to annoy me. And then when things go wrong as usual everyone turns to me and that really pisses me off. So we have 30 minutes. Enough for 5 or 6 songs. We go in and everyone starts shouting and screaming and messing about. I pick up the consoles to select the music and it's all in kanji. I ask for help but because they're all being loud no one hears so I have to shout to get their attention. So 2 people offer help, and we find some English. I pick a song for Ken and Katharina that they wanted to sing and leave them to it while I queue up 2 more songs. One for me (Jailhouse Rock) and one for Rosanna (Weeeek). So we sing, it's fun. Nino picks his song and all is well. But of course, during this time, rather than pick the song to follow Nino, people just mess around and play with the console so the music just stops. And this is bloody expensive time and they just did nothing. I heard someone say "oh I thought they were picking songs" and I just got so angry. Of course by now the time was up and we had to leave. I would have stayed another hour but I was so pissed off with the way people were acting that I just couldn't do anything. My answer to everything from this point on was to only suggest really really expensive things. As I said on Facebook, I'm not the mother. It's not my job to make decisions for people, or to clean up after them, or to round them up for whatever reason. They're adults, they can make decisions. I don't mind planning events but having to supervise is not what I signed up for.

Rant over, once I refused to make decisions for people we ended up standing outside the karaoke bar for over an hour with lots of shrugs. No one seemed willing to put their hand up and make a suggestion and I was happy to sit back and watch them. Rosanna bailed out first (and good for her for having the guts to actually do something) and eventually everyone just said "well I'll go home then". And that was that.

It was a fun night but I'm very frustrated with people. I have 2 weeks left here and the chances of me seeing some of these guys again is pretty slim so I'd like to make the most of this time but for others, they don't seem interested. Maybe they just don't have the money, maybe they just don't want to spend the time with me. I don't know, but it's frustrating.

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