Wednesday 3 June 2009

Day 62

Day 62 wasn't much better than day 61 if I'm honest. Watched Criminal Minds again. The last episode was pretty crappy until that final scene which was very OMFG!

Did some cleaning today. Laundry, garbage etc. Needed it big time. Just need to find a way to dry the cloths now that doesn't cost me too much money. I'm too cheap to pay for the dryer. Most things will dry hanging up but my jeans are awkward.

Played on Facebook a lot.


Not much else.

OH I remember! I realised that I only have 4 weeks left in Japan. 27 days in fact (can't count the last day as my flight leaves at 11:00). I have about 25 things I still have to do. Plus some special dinners and things. So I started to make a plan as to what I'll be doing over these next 4 weeks. It's a pretty tight schedule but I hope I can fit everything in. I'm still debating at the moment whether I want to go see Metro Station. It's 5800yen which is pretty expensive but I'll probably regret it if I don't go. Hmm....I'll continue to think about it. I can still get a ticket later if I really want to go. Need to plan out my trip to Nikko soon as well but I need to speak to Katharina first to see if she is indeed staying in japan. If she's staying then I get one day back (no leaving party) plus I can go to Nikko the week she was meant to be going. It's complicated. Once I've spoken to her later (we're seeing Star Trek on Wednesday) I can finalise my plans.

Spoke to Daniel on Facebook today too. He's cool. I miss him :( We talked Lady Gaga and dogs. He has the most awesome new puppy who he should absolutley name Gaga!!!!! He also gave me the best idea for a birthday party costume. Can't wait to start making it :) I'll see what materials I can find when I go out on Wednesday.

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