Sunday, 7 September 2008

Second Large Step!

I figure the most important things to arrange for this trip are the following and probably in this order...
  1. Book place on course - done
  2. Request time off work - done and confirmed
  3. Check Visa availablity/restrictions - done
  4. Create itinerary based on above results - done
  5. Book flights - done
  6. Book bus to London (plus hotel if required) - not required as Kevin will give me a lift therefore I suppose this is done
  7. Book accomodation
  8. Make payments
  9. Check course/accomodation for course/transport/amenity charges - I progress
  10. Arrange Mount Fuji climb/fundraise
  11. Enquire/order JR Pass
  12. Shop
  13. Print out all details etc and compile filofax of doom
  14. Leave for Japan!!
As it stands I've done the first 2 parts. Tomorrow I will do part 3 and hopefully make a start on part 4.

In other news....I found melon pan in Swansea. /heaven

Updated on 28th September 2008

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