Tuesday, 26 August 2008


Saving for this trip is a little difficult to say the least. It's costing me quite a bit more than originally planned so rather than £100 a week going to savings, it's £150. Therefore a lot of the things that I'm going to need to take with me I may not be able to afford. Yes I am taking donations if anyone wants to contribute to my cause....yeah I'm sure you're all dying to offer hehe. Hopefully I can take full advantage of Christmas and rather than random gifts of chocolate, socks and general stuff I don't want I can request the following items specifically chosen to aid me in my adventures in Japanland.

  • XSHOT Extendable Arm
    • So far only found on ebay but a vital purchase. An alternative is available on I Want One of Those.
  • Gorilla Pod
    • An alternative to the above but would also be very nice to have. Size Small please.
  • 4 Litre Dry Sack
    • Must be useful for my trip to Mount Fuji somehow.
  • Personal Organiser
    • Another vital piece of equipment. Will be needed for addresses, notes, money, blah blah. This one at Amazon should surfice though I may select a bigger one at a later date....we'll see.
  • Walking Boots and Walking Socks
    • I'll probably need to buy these myself.
  • Laptop Case
    • Will need to fit a 17" laptop.
  • Rucksack
    • A large one. I'll pick one out at a later date.
  • Backpack
    • For Mount Fuji Climb...again, I'll pick one out later
  • Head lamp
    • Not sure where you get these from but I'll need one if I do my climb through the night. An alternative would be a torch but I might just get one of those in Japan.

This list could go on forever. I'll post more things to it as and when I think of them.

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