Monday 11 August 2008

And so it begins....well in blog form at least

Ok so this blog is here to track the next 12 months of my life, 1/3rd of which will be spent living in Japan. Before I tell you more about what I'm doing I'll give you a small introduction to myself. It might help haha!!

My name is Laura. I'm 27 years old and I currently live in Swansea, South Wales. I work for the Royal Mail in what I consider to be the most mind-numbing job that ever existed. I have a degree in Anthropology which I have failed to make the most of hence me doing the job that I do. I have had an interest in Japan for quite some time. I'm going to blame it on the influence of two Japanese students who came to study at my school when I was 16. Since then I've delved in to the world of manga and anime, and through that I have found myself immersed in J-drama, J-pop, bizarre tv programmes, melon pan, sushi, yukata and all sorts of fun Japanese things. And so the desire to visit the country has been growing for quite some time. I was lucky enough last year (September 2007) to visit for 2 weeks and now, fueled by my boring job, my desire to escape this pretty shitty city for an adventure that most people have whilst still of university age and my love of all things modern Japan , I am setting off next Spring for my belated Japan adventure!


It's still 8 months before I leave but you wouldn't believe how much planning there is in all this. How long should I stay? Where should I go? Which order shall I do it in? Which path up Mount Fuji should I take? What size bag? Should I take my laptop? It's tough, it really is. Which is partly what this blog if for. Somewhere to spew it all out to and hopefully from the chaos, a plan will come. It's also a safeguard in case my computer dies and I lose all my bookmarks haha!

I'm going to leave it at this today. Tomorrow I'll see how much of the garbled mash of information in my head I can push together in to an actually itinery. Then maybe one day soon I'll be able to add my destinations to the map below for you to get a good idea of where I'll be swanning off to.

Map Japan

Until then, Adieu....

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