Tuesday 31 March 2009

Leaving soon :)

Less than 24 hours to go until I step on that bus to begin my belated adventures in Japan. I'm currently sat in Kev's sisters house (he's gone to work) going through my computer getting rid of anything I shouldn't have on here and downloading as much music as I can for my mp3 player and then of course deleting it. Can't be caught with all this nonsense on my laptop going through customs, but I can't not do it because I dont know when I'll be able to get any new music. While I have an internet connection in my room in Warabi, I suspect the connection will only be good enough for email and maybe skype. The watching of Lost, Grey's Anatomy and Supernatural will have to be put on hold (though I dont know how I'm going to resist reading spoilers).

Once I've got this laptop "issue" free I'll need to sort out all my photos that I want printed as I'm off to Boots around 9am to get that done. Need passport photo's too but I'll do that later. Also need to group up everything I need printed and email it to myself. Can't take the laptop with me so I'll have to access it all via googlemail and print that way.

What else do I need to do? I have to buy those shoes I've been threatening to buy for months. Pack my suitcase (I'll do that tonight). Visit Elphaba (I'm going to miss her soooooooooooo much). Need a bath too but that'll happen before I go on the hunt for clogs.

I hope Kevin can come down and visit me this afternoon :( Won't be nice to go off to Japan without seeing him one last time.

Anyway, back to what I was saying...what else needs to be done? Oh I have to get some currency. And that's pretty much it. So I'd better get a move on and by get a move on I mean watch Big Bang Theory >:D

Sunday 29 March 2009

Om nom nom

I should probably find a Japanese related one of these...

Thursday 26 March 2009

In to the last week now!

It's hard to blog when I dont have regular access to the interwebs but I've found literally 2 minutes
now so you get a little tidbit. Things'll be better once I'm there as my digs will have a connection in my room.

Soooooooooo, I'm off to Japan in less than a week. Two shifts in work left and five days left in the country. Let's hope I haven't forgotten anything important.

Off to town tomorrow to buy some yen and some shoes. Yes, I'm still dilly dallying over daps. The bane of my trip haha!

Ok, two minutes up, work time. Adieu xx