Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Rules to live by when in Japan

Forgot to mention this...


1. Spend as much time as possible outdoors
2. Accept any reasonable invitation that comes my way (ie, nothing from random strangers)
3. Try as many flavours of ice cream, kit kat and melon pan as I can find!

7 weeks to go!

I cant believe that time has gone so quickly. It seems like only yesterday I was saying "10 months to go" and now I'm down to 7 weeks! It's scary and exciting and a whole heap of other conflicting emotions but I am most definatly looking forward to it. I think with just 7 weeks to go now I should be seriously thinking of finalising any last details and doing some shopping before I go.

At some point I need to make a list of things to pack. I did start buying one item a week to take with me but that literally only lasted one week so I guess that plan is out the window. At least I have shower gel and 1 lone box of paracetamol to go. My boots went back too so I actually have 1 additional thing to think about/buy. Must not get bogged down in daps though or my head'll explode.

I think before the end of February I need to get an address book, print some business cards, keep on dieting (yeah 5lb lost!), buy some make up and pjs and make a final decision about shoes.

Right now though, i want sleep zzzzzzzzzzzzzz